Monday, January 18, 2010

Ezetrol More Drug_side_effects What Is Going On With The Medicine Ezetrol, Have You Heard Anything? There Is A Problem If You Take It ? ?

What is going on with the medicine ezetrol, have you heard anything? there is a problem if you take it ? ? - ezetrol more drug_side_effects

Ezetrol is a medicine for cholesterol

1 comments: said...

Ezetrol is the brand of medicine ezetimibe. Another brand name Zetia.

Ezetimibe reduces the amount of cholesterol are absorbed by the body and is used to treat high cholesterol. Ezetimibe is sometimes given with other cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Ezetimibe is only part of a comprehensive treatment program to control and nutrition, exercise and weight. Follow your diet, medication and a series of exercises very closely.

As far as I know that there are no problems with ezetimibe. Some people may experience some side effects, and some people may experience side effects at all.

Please check the link "source for detailed information about ezetimibe.

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