Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Send A Video Clip On Halo 3 To Friend Halo 3 Maps Not Loading?!?

Halo 3 Maps Not Loading?!? - how to send a video clip on halo 3 to friend

So I brought my hard drive more than a friend record some of my videos on your computer, well anyway, I'm not sure ... hurt But once I got home and started to play Halo 3, I said, I could not load any of the content on a map. Not only the heroic or legendary, all the cards (the ultimate guardian, etc.). And he can not even play the campaign again, or watch videos in the theater, because no matter what, I did not say Insert the contents. And in the contacts, how to "Unable to load content", I refer to the pressure, if it's a game! It's ridiculous! Well, I know, he is also a problem with my drive or my hard drive and my album is not scratched, and I treat my xbeautiful picture, and I do not know how damaged. I tried, X, X, LB, RB, X, X, something that is the hard drive, but it was only for half an hour, then it is only normal. Well certainly, if someone knows how to fix it, please let me know.


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