Monday, February 1, 2010

Wikipedia Do Female Dogs Have Viginas Was Moon Landing FAKED Dy The US?

Was Moon Landing FAKED dy the US? - wikipedia do female dogs have viginas

Personally, I think so

since for the following reasons
At the time of Apollo, the Soviet Union had five times as many hours as an open space in the United States [38]. They had achieved:

The first artificial satellite into orbit (October 1957 Sputnik 1).
The first living things into orbit, a dog named Laika (November 1957, Sputnik 2).
First, that living things can not go back in orbit, two dogs Belka and Strelka rats, 40 mice, 2 (August 1960, Sputnik 5).
First man in space, Yuri Gagarin, the first man in orbit around the Earth (April 1961, Vostok 1).
The first two satellites in orbit around the same time (although it is a place of encounter, as often described) (August 1962, Vostok 3 and Vostok 4).
First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova (June 1963, Vostok 6, as part of a flight, double the second satellite, including Vostok 5).
The first crew of three cosmonauts on board a spacecraft (October 1964, Voskhod 1).
First spacewalk (EVA) (March 1965, Voskhod 2).


If you is not wrong ..... Why does no one went to the moon by NASA of the United States since then?

For me .... doub't someone ..... the only way to resolve through repetition. Why did the United States can not repeat the manned mission to the moon in years.

Do not tell me that the cost factor.


Bella said...

No, it was wrong, and we have it backwards. There were landed a total of 6 manned missions to the moon and 12 men on the moon. Twelve of the moon turns around without landing.

All six manned moon landings were faked. 400,000 people participated in the seizure of the Apollo 11 moon landing happened. The Apollo moon missions are one of the most famous and watched the events of history. The conspiracy "theories" to claim otherwise, are a bunch of nonsense without even a single piece weight of the evidence. Most questions are on basic ignorance of physics and optics. Special video effects are in their infancy in the late '60s, the simulation of a landing on the moon would probably have been more difficult than it really is there, and it seems very unlikely that hundreds or even thousands of people who are in to participate in such an act, have been kept secret for so long. Finally, decide for themselves whether the evidence for marginal all this was a joke was offered, is convincing enough to overturn orand the overwhelming evidence that this is actually happening, but remember to carefully check the facts, should be a little skeptical, as even the skeptics. For more information to discredit the idea, poorly designed, see sources.

Flag Wavers
The answer is, not waving. It seems that, because, as the flag was deployed. The flag hangs from a horizontal bar from vertical telescopes. In the Apollo 11, they were unable to fully extend the rod, so not expand the flag in full. It has a wave in it, like a curtain that is not fully closed. In later flights, the astronauts did not fully deploy it on purpose because they wanted to, as he looked. In other words, the display to move, because the astronauts wanted to see it. Ironically, they have their work too well. He seems to have led astray, many people believe that they welcomed.

The shadows are not parallel
The sun is really the only source of light. The shadows are not parallel in the images because of perspective. Note that you are currentlyta-dimensional scene, projected on a two-dimensional image. This leads to distortions. When the sun is low and the shadows are long, do not turn objects at different distances in the shadows, even here on Earth. When viewed from above, it would all in the shadow of the Apollo images are simultaneously in force. You can use these experiences for you to go outside on a clear day when the sun is low in the sky and comparing the direction of the shadow of objects near and far. You will see that clearly apart. Here is a great demand for HBS, which can be reversed! Do not take my word go and try it!

Who filmed Neil Armstrong
Lunar Module camera, a live television coverage of Armstrong walked on the lunar surface at 10:56 BST clock.

Radiation hazard
To avoid the time on the moon simply the effects of radiation. Armstrong and Aldrin for less than 3 hours on the moon.
According to the Vision for Space Exploration, NASA plans to send astronauts to the moon by 2020 and create finally aOutpost. For sure, the people living and working on the moon, the radiation must be solved problem.

"We need to know more about the radiation on the moon, especially when people longer than a few days," says Harlan Spence, a professor of astronomy at Boston University.
"The first global mapping of neutron radiation from the lunar probe Lunar Prospector, was made by NASA during the years 1998-99. LEND will improve on the Lunar Prospector data by profiling the energies of these neutrons, showing what proportion of the high energy (ie The most damaging for the public) and determining the proportion of lower energy prices.

With this knowledge in hand, scientists can begin designing spacesuits, lunar habitats, Moon vehicles and other equipment for NASA's return to the moon, know exactly how mu

PC said...

We landed on the moon several times
Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17
Like, why are we not in recent years, NASA has a limited budget, and there was no compelling reason to return (without public support or government). Back on the moon, would have needed a new vehicle, the Apollo craft as dangerous by today's standards and the shuttle does not apply for such a long journey.

Garufa said...

Really? Or is this a joke?

Everything indicates that this is true, NASA Moon six times! There is no evidence against him.

Explorers on the Moon is too expensive and has many benefits, it is already known. Right now you can have water, which in turn interesting.

How then put the mirror? As hundreds of rock-falsifiable?

dgirl555 said...

Mythbusters actually a special on this ... and showed that the landing was indeed real, and there is absolutely no way to do so with technology of today and then ... The gravitational force is so diverse that no real way to copy it to win. (Incidentally, I am sorry to say, but the price is really the reason for the lack of repeat offenders ....)

Tina L said...

No, it was forged. is done. to cope with.

the fact that nobody has seen since 1972 has nothing to do with what is before too. has everything to do with a lack of money (real, nasty recession) and the lack of political will.

their faith is irrelevant. It is a historical fact.

Later, when I was only 8 years old, in summer 1969, I remember very well. all, and I mean all who were there when it works. You missed one of the decisive moments of history, and I am sorry for you.

Steve N said...

We repeated six times. I was there and saw the Apollo 11 took off. They are not building a rocket to power 160 million horse can not go somewhere with him.

The Hubble telescope can focus on the moon and see the landing that left all LEM

stoneyga... said...

Are you Russian? The space race was absolutely the most important factor in promoting the United States to reach the moon. We have, we were really there is no reason to continue to visit. And the cost is a factor. It took us tens of billions of dollars. If other countries do not like, are welcome in the Sea of Tranquility country, remove the flag and its own factory. Be My Guest. Will also be shown that our heroes are there.

The Nephilim Cometh said...

I come from South Africa and thought we knew it is wrong.

It would be very difficult to sell to the public in the next draft of the BLUEBEAM if they also confused in thinking that this rock was just us and our moon, at least with the right mouse button?

thorkonn... said...

Regardless of all the detailed answers, your application has two major flaws, are each provided with a brain without further investigation.

1. His list ends in 1965, so appearentely no more "firsts" for it.

2. To ignore this fact, when the Soviets were further developed, as could convince the United States?

Jay J said...

When she got the moon, they learned that was not made of cheese, and never came back.

Back on the moon would be a big waste of money. It would be like going to the desert twice. There is nothing there, but the American flag.

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